Monday, July 12, 2010


***Short and DOPE POST***

So, I woke up Sunday morning with one thought...

"FUCK, its almost Monday"

This thought alone was enough for me to wake my ass up and go to church and as always, I began to think..."why does Monday get such a bad wrap?"

I mean think about it, everyone always talks about how much Mondays suck, how they hate Mondays, how Mondays are the day from hell and none of this seems exactly fair. Like, what the fuck did Monday do. I don't know about you all but going to work on Wednesday is no more fun than Monday unless of course there are cup cakes on Wednesday because then, well....Mondays would suck compared to Cup Cake Wednesdays.

So as you all embark on your Magnificent Monday journey's keep in mind that Monday can actually be the best day of the week if you let it.

Question: What's your favorite day of the week? Besides the weekends.

1 comment:

  1. How about Titty Tuesday? Any takers? And getting drunk on Thursday night is always a huge bonus. Especially when you see all these slobs drag themselves into work on Casual Friday, also, you're included in the slobs.
