Sunday, September 11, 2011


So I was at work. Chillin'. Like I do. And my boss asked me to create a PowerPoint presentation for a meeting he has in like 1 hour.

Now, I'm good at PowerPoint and all. In fact, I'm fantastic at everything. Which often can be the problem. I'm so fantastic that I often have multiple ideas. But which one is the most fantastic-est?

Troo, is that a real word?

It is now. Cause I'm fantastic!

So anyway, in order to solve this quandary I was in, I asked myself, "WWDDD?" - What Would Don Draper Do?... I've been watching some Mad Men lately, and Don Draper is the main character. Everything seems to go right for this dude.

So again, "What Would Don Draper Do?"

I immediately poured myself a glass of Jack Daniels that I keep under my desk, lit up a cigarette, and left the office without telling anyone where I was going. Hell Yeah! (For those of you who have never watched Mad Men... YES. This is indeed what Don Draper would do.)

I received a call about 2 hours later from my boss telling me that I was fired.

But Troo, what went wrong?

I'll tell you, my-friend-who-shouts-in-italics. What went wrong is... I am not Don Draper. Translation: I am not a rich, white man. If anything, I shoulda asked myself "WWHD?" - What Would Hollis Do?... "Who is Hollis," you may ask. Hollis is the Black dude that operates the elevators on the show. And what Hollis woulda done is shut his ass up and did his job.

Hey Troo, but doesn't Mad Men take place in the 60s?

Correct-a-mundo! And guess what, in 2011 I'm still Black. The fact of the matter is that racism, classism, sexism still exists. Only difference is it's not as open as it used to be.

This may be the nostalgia talking, but I miss the days when a Black person would work twice as hard and not make as much as their white counterparts, women were treated like objects, and if you were broke, no one gave a damn about you... Oh wait. It's still like that? Well damn. What's missing...?

Ahhh! That's better... It was a simpler time, Dope fiends.

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