Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Tao of Later

Ever heard the phrase, "a stitch in time - saves nine." Of course you haven't. Nobody really knows any of those stupid Benjamin Franklin period musings. I blame the department of education and the McDonald's Chicken Mcnugget (you heard it here first). Anyway, it's basically saying if you do something now, it will be easier than waiting til' later when the problem has since grown exponentially.

And as much as that SOUNDS like great advice. I've learned over time that I just. Don't. Give a fuck.

Nope, not even a fraction of one.


Everytime I have something that needs to be done I only think of one thing. "When is it due?"

Then, I'll think about when I'm going to do it.

Then, I'll recalculate that figure to find out when the last possible moment is that I can go about completing said thing. After that, I will brazenly disregard all those calculations, play some video games, smoke some weed, tweet about watching Archer Season 1 on DVD for the bigillionth time (don't you dare judge me), and do the entire project at the last possible minute.

Like. A. Boss.

Ok, maybe not so much like a boss. But the shit. Gets. Done. Benjamin Franklin can kiss all of my black ass.
I don't even know what it is about later that makes it seem like the perfect time for doing things, but... It definitely does.

I mean honestly, it even feels good saying that you'll do something later. It's like...

"Wash the dishes." I'll do it later.

"Pay your rent." Ehh I swear I'll get to it later.

"Cum on my tits!" ...Ok, fine, you got me on this one.

"Finish that blog post!" (Sigh)


Alright, alright... 

When is it due?

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